Tuesday, 29 June 2010

What would the outcome of an effective research plan be?

In order to have a clear understanding of what to include when producing the final products of our A2 media coursework, an effective research plan would need to be carried out prior to the actual making of any of the products. Things that an effective research plan would include are both primary and secondary research that gives both qualitative and quantitative data e.g. statistics and reviews etc. The plan would also include looking at existing products that are relevant to our chosen target market and genre. Research such as mood boards would also be effective in order to give a clear view of the initial key ideas. These are just a variety of things that would be included in an effective research plan.
The main type of primary research that would be carried out would be in the form of questionnaire. By conducting a questionnaire it would enable us to gain a real understanding of the target audience, in the sense of what they would like to see included within the finished products. By knowing key information such as this it means that the products can be produced to suit the chosen audience, therefore making the outcome more effective.

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